Monday, April 5, 2021


It was supposed to be 'Good Friday', 2 April 2021. Nope. Good Friday. The Taroko Express train derailment was a stab. There will be a next time that this train will be running with yours truly seated in it. But the memories will not be the same as the last.

To the at least 50 people who left, including the 2 extremely noble drivers 袁淳修 and 江沛峰 (who performed their duties up till the last seconds of their lives preventing further carnage), 一路好走.

More deeply affected than I can express. At a time like this, the afterlife seems an attractive prospect. Should it exist, may each and every one of those who perished be in a better place now, where there is no virus, no divisiveness, with more peace and all the good things. 



The heart hurts. One paragraph and the tears ran.

I've always adored and respected Taiwan Railway and this will leave an indelible mark. Below is the last mini clip I made on a Taitung-Taipei trip. At the point when this was filmed, I never really gave a thought about the train drivers who deliver thousands across the country to their destinations everyday, safely and punctually. I never thought about how arriving at one's destination unscathed is already a privilege. I know that from here on, trips will never be the same. 

 "今天明天原來這麼遙遠" - Anonymous